Monday 16 September 20:00

Charming harp sounds


Beginning: 20:00

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San Michele, Lanserhaus
Kultur Kontakt Eppan,
+39 0471 053800
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Together with three other artists - Adam Javorkai, Hannes Schöggl and Andrej Stepita - she presents music for solo harp and in an interesting combination with electronics, cello, percussion and dance. The following day she will also be giving a talk concert with students from Eppan.
Veronica Klavzar is this year's winner of the Heinrich von Mörl Scholarship in the "Young Talents" category. She enjoyed early musical education from the age of five and attended harp courses at the Bruneck Music School. In 2016, she graduated from the harp course at the Monteverdi Conservatory in Bolzano with a diploma.

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