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Emotions are our reason for living, and theatre and your techniques allow us to experience them, study them, get to know them. So why is the human being so rich in emotions? What are emotions and what are they for? These new performance lectures will be dedicated to emotions and the universe in which they gravitate, illuminating our existence with a thousand nuances. Various cultural and social aspects present in our daily lives will be addressed. Artificial intelligence, technology and robotics will be discussed, and how they can be related to human beings and their deepest feelings. The theme of emotion in cinema and art, in poetic and narrative words will be proposed. Space will also be dedicated to reflecting on the theme of prejudice and how one can develop one's own point of view on the different aspects of gender identity and sentimental and spiritual choices. The lectures are proposed in the form of a lecture/performance, thus offering the audience an in-depth discussion by the speakers and a moment of entertainment.
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