Wednesday 12 February 18:00 - 20:00

Dragonflies in global change


Beginning: 18:00

End: 20:00

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Bolzano City Centre, Natural Science Museum
Museum of Nature,
+39 0471 412964,
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Dragonflies are sensitive indicators of environmental changes in aquatic habitats and react sensitively to disturbances caused by humans.

In this lecture, Felix Puff, a young biologist from Laives, illustrates the effects of global change on this group of animals. After an introduction to the life cycle of dragonflies and their adaptations to extreme habitats - such as alpine or artificial waters - the effects of climate change and habitat destruction will be discussed. Specific examples from South Tyrol and around the world will be used to show how these factors have already influenced the dragonfly fauna in recent decades and what changes can be expected in the near future.
Challenges for the protection of these colourful insects and their habitats will also be discussed. The lecture emphasises the importance of dragonflies as important indicators of the state of our ecosystems and invites us to reflect on the rapid effects of global change.

The conference will be held in German, but a simultaneous translation of the lecture into Italian will be available in the hall.

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