Tuesday 19 September 18:00 - 19:30



Beginning: 18:00

End: 19:30

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Bolzano City Centre, Natural Science Museum South Tyrol
Museum of Nature,
+39 0471 412964,
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The lecture will be held in german language.
The many also valuable minerals that were created by the eruptions of the Bolzano supervolcano are the subject of a lecture at the Nature Museum on 19 September.
The supervolcano of Bolzano formed the third largest known caldera in the history of the Earth. Eruptions from various vents and fissures, hot springs and solfatars have led to the formation of a wide variety of minerals. Some of these mineral deposits, such as the Teis spheres, are rarer than diamonds, the dawsonite crystals of Terlan are among the most beautiful in the world and the silver, lead, copper and zinc ores of Nals, Terlan and Deutschnofen were mined for centuries. Each mineral tells its own story about the formation of this volcanic area.
Volkmar Mair will talk about this on Tuesday, 19 September at 6 p.m. in the South Tyrol Museum of Nature at the lecture "Minerals: Insights into the history of the formation of the supervolcano of Bolzano". The director of the Provincial Office for Geology and Building Materials Testing in Bolzano has turned his hobby into his profession, and his research activities have significantly changed the understanding of South Tyrol's geology and mineralogy.
The lecture will be given in German, admission is free. Advance booking on the museum's website under the link https://app.no-q.info/naturmuseum-sudtirol/calendar#/event/406592 is recommended.

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