Waag Comedy Haus - Gianluca Iocolano
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Bolzano City Centre Hotels Bolzano City CentreDescription
Stand-up comedy with Gianluca Iocolano
Waag event / Aquarium
In Italian
Entry: pay as you wish
Waag Comedy Haus, Bolzano's date with comedy, is back. For this event, the host is zero kilometre!
Gianluca Iocolano writes things himself because he is not able to use artificial intelligence. Gianluca Iocolano is not even capable of stand-up. But he is a person who likes to look very deep into things. What kind of world are we living in? The one where if you say strange things it is normal, but if you say normal things you pass as strange? Let's start with the question: should we ask the questions?
Booking is strongly recommended: office@waaghaus.eu
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