Friday 13 June 17:00

Wine Cellar Night Open Wineries Night in Caldaro


Beginning: 17:00

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Caldaro, ini the participating wine cellars
South Tyrolean Wine Road,
phone +39 0471 860659,
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Wine Cellar Night


The 17th edition of the legendary Wine Cellar Night will take place in the central part of the South Tyrolean Wine Road.

Wineries, wine estates and distilleries along the South Tyrolean Wine Road in the wine villages of Appiano and Caldaro al Lago will open the doors to their treasure. The imposing cellar vaults will be the setting for a wine experiences from 5 pm to midnight. Winegrowers talk with their guests; culinary highlights and music make the evening a very special experience. The Wine Cellar Night celebrate the art of South Tyrolean wine, winegrowers and cellar masters and their excellent wines.

The specially organised shuttle service, which takes guests from winery to winery, ensured unadulterated wine enjoyment and a cosy summer evening.

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