RS Schloss Warth Eppan St Pauls
RS Schloss Warth Eppan St Pauls


There’s much to discover between Bolzano with its Arcades and museums, South Tyrol’s region of castles Appiano, the “Rose Village” Nalles and the historically interesting region of Castelfeder

Dozens of ancient residences and castles characterise the South Tyrolean Wine Road with the “Castle Region” Appiano, lakes and natural monuments are all there to be discovered, and the wine is of paramount importance in this sunny region. Welcome to the Wine Road!

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  1. RS bozen waltherplatz dom


    Special places and buildings, from the ‘Garden of Longing’ near Salorno to the…
  2. RS eppan schloss englar herbst


    Some 800 castles and mansions are spread all over South Tyrol, most of them rise in…
  3. RS neumarkt lauben in andreas hofer strasse museum fuer alltagskultur

    Museums and exhibitions

    The museums along the Wine Road provide an interesting insight into the history of…
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    Nature and landscape

    Lake Caldaro, Lake Monticolo and Lake Favogna as well as special places such as the…
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    Town of Bolzano

    Bolzano, the Gate to the Dolomites and Alpine Town of the Year 2009, at the meeting…
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    Tradition and culture

    Traditions and customs passed down from generation to generation are of utmost…
  7. people drinking liquor and talking on dining table close up

    Pubs and entertainment

    Many theatre companies, several cinemas and a wide range of wine and music events…
  8. alcohol drink wine red wine


    The localities along the South Tyrolean Wine Road offer perfect conditions for the…
  9. RS Christkindlmarkt Bozen Waltherplatz

    Christmas Market

    Numerous Christmas markets and Advent events have secured their place in the annual…