RS eppan schloss englar herbst
RS eppan schloss englar herbst


Some 800 castles and mansions are spread all over South Tyrol, most of them rise in the Appiano Castle Region on the Wine Road

The area featuring the most castles in Europe is located around Appiano near the main town of South Tyrol: Venerable residences can be found in the village centres, and majestic castles rise on the hills in the surroundings. Between the Swan Castle in Nalles and the southernmost castle of the German speaking area - the one high above Salorno - there is much to discover.

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    Castelvecchio, the ruin of a hill castle near San Paolo in Appiano, is located…
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    One of the three destinations of the Three Castles’ Walk and at the same time…
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    Tordilupo Castle

    A small castle called Tordilupo or Wolfsthurn, dating back to the 13th century,…
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    Salorno Castle

    Castel Salorno or Haderburg rises on a high limestone rock spur above the…
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    Above Aslago and the valley basin of Bolzano rises Flavon Castle which houses a…
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    Kreideturm (Chalk Tower)

    The fortified tower of Appiano Castle - with a footprint of 5.5 x 6 metres - rises…
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    Castelchiaro Castle

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    Aichberg Castle

    Castel Aichberg which resembles more a residence than an actual castle is located…
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    Castel Ora in the historical centre of Ora is known today as Fioreschy Residence,…
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    Boymont Castle

    Besides Appiano Castle and Corba Castle, Castel Boymont is one of the three…
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    The majestic property of Castel Campan in Villa di Mezzo, a district of Caldaro, is…
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    Englaro Castle

    The fairy-tale Gothic castle above the village of San Michele Appiano houses a…
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    Above the village of Montagna there’s Enna Castle which was built by the Lords of…
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    On a gentle hill above San Michele Appiano there’s Lodrone Castle, or Freudenstein…
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    Ganda Castle

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    Castel Corba, one of the destinations of the Appiano Castle Walk, rises below the…
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    Palù Castle

    The complex of Palù Castle and the Schulthaus Residence in Appiano houses the…
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    Castel Paschbach above San Michele Appiano was once the domicile of the pianist and…
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    Rafenstein Castle

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    Between San Giuseppe al Lago and Pianizza di Sopra there are residences with…
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