RS kurtatsch schloss ansitz ortenburg
RS kurtatsch schloss ansitz ortenburg

Further residences on the Wine Road

Many historical buildings and venerable residences on the Wine Road tell the long history of this part of South Tyrol

The villages between Nalles and Salorno are characterised by their historical buildings, erected long before the roads were asphalted and the area was supplied with electricity. In Bronzolo (Branzoll), the manors are called Mamming and Palais Thomsen, in Salorno (Salurn) Liebenstein Residence and Von Gelmini Residence and in Magrè (Margreid) Hirschprunn, Salvadori and Löwengang. The most famous building in this village, however, is the Augustin Residence: On its outer façade grows the ancient domestic vine, the oldest dated vine of Europe.

In the Freienfeld Residence in Cortaccia (Kurtatsch), the Cortaccia Winery stores its wooden barrels. Further manors in this village are, for example, the Ortenburg Estate (in the picture) with crenellated courtyard walls with so-called “Holzschleudern” (wooden catapults), Strehlburg Castle, erected in 1492 by the In der Maur family and the stunning Am Orth Residence in the village centre, known above all for its museum “People through time”.

Also the surrounding villages are worth a visit: In Ora (Auer) there are the Fioreschy Estate of the Lords of Ora, the Baumgarten Residence in the heart of vineyards and fruit orchards, the Karnol Residence (or Leiterburg) and the Steinkeller Residence, a popular setting for weddings. Also Montagna and Cortina feature their own residences, as well as Nalles, Andriano and Terlano, where the tower-like “Turm in Kreut” building from the 13th century stands out.

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