auer schloss auer ansitz fioreschi
auer schloss auer ansitz fioreschi

Ora Castle

Castel Ora in the historical centre of Ora is known today as Fioreschy Residence, named after the present owners

A medieval castle rises at the Church Square of Ora: Ora Castle (Schloss Auer, in German). It was the main ancestral seat of the Lords of Ora which were mentioned for the first time in 1190 as "Conradinus de Aura de masnada filiorum Enrici de Egna". In official documents it was also referred to as "Gesäß" (buttocks) which means that it housed the guildhall of the Counts of Tyrol. In the 16th century the castle got its present appearance and in the 19th century the Fioreschy family took it over and gave it its present name: Fioreschy Residence. It was extensively renovated in 2014.

A simple residential complex represents the heart of the building, to which a tower was attached at the back: Today this tower hosts a wine cellar. The ashlar-framed pointed arch portal as well as the crenellations on the walls characterise the annex in the east which was carried out in the Renaissance period. Inside, the rooms with stucco ceilings (eye of God and halo) and the fresco of the coat of arms from 1776 are particularly noteworthy. The castle is still inhabited by its owners. By the way: A castle of the same name - Schloss Auer - rises also in Tirolo village.

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