krippenweihnacht pauls
krippenweihnacht pauls

Cribs at the Cathedral in San Paolo

In San Paolo Christmas cribs can be admired around the Cathedral

There are also some contemplative and very special Christmas events around Bolzano: One event, the "Cribs at the Cathedral in San Paolo" (Nativity Scene Exhibition San Paolo), attaches particular importance to contemplation and tradition. And so, from the beginning of the Advent season until Epiphany Day Christmas cribs with great attention to detail are exhibited around the Cathedral.

This event is accompanied by a supporting programme offering hot food and drinks after a walk through the beautifully lit village centre, as well as contemplative concerts and a "Living Christmas Crib" on fixed weekends. The mighty "Dom auf dem Lande" (cathedral in the countryside), as the parish church of San Paolo with its impressive steeple is called, seems to watch over all this.

By the way: A "Living Christmas Crib" is the representation of the Holy Family's entry into the stable. With sheep, ox, donkey and angels, the place is covered where Mary, Joseph and their child stay for a while so that everyone can look at them. Except for the baby, a doll, these are people who stay here for hours and represent the birth of Jesus. Together with "Christmas in Cornaiano" the "KrippenWeihnacht" forms the Green Event "EppanAdvent".

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Opening times

every year from the 8th of December until Christmas Eve


freely accessible

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