Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare Ph Juergen Eheim
Fondazione Antonio Dalle Nogare Ph Juergen Eheim

Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation

A place where art, architecture and innovation meet to bring the public closer to contemporary art

The Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation, inaugurated in 2018 in Bolzano, is a reference point for contemporary art. The building that houses it, the work of architects Walter Angonese and Andrea Marastoni, combines museum and domestic atmospheres to create an environment that is not only evocative but also welcoming. The use of local materials such as porphyry gives the building, nestled among the vineyards north of the city of Bolzano, a unique character connected to the territory.

The Foundation promotes contemporary art in all its forms, through exhibitions, educational projects, and cultural initiatives. The heart of the Foundation is the private collection of Antonio Dalle Nogare, an entrepreneur and art enthusiast, who over the years has collected significant works by conceptual and minimalist artists of the second half of the 20th century, including Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Dan Graham, On Kawara, Martin Kippenberger, Joseph Kosuth, Richard Long, Piero Manzoni, Olivier Mosset, Blinky Palermo, and James Turrell, as well as protagonists of Arte Povera such as Giovanni Anselmo, Luciano Fabro, Jannis Kounellis, and Giuseppe Penone.

The collection, curated by Eva Brioschi, provides an in-depth look at a crucial period in contemporary art, characterized by strong experimentation and a deep investigation of artistic languages. The exhibited works range across different forms of expression, from painting to sculpture, from installation to performance, for an engaging and stimulating experience.

In addition to the permanent collection, the Foundation organizes temporary exhibitions dedicated to emerging and established contemporary artists, with a constantly updated look at the latest art trends. The Foundation's educational program is aimed at a wide and diverse audience, with particular attention to the younger generations. Through workshops, meetings, guided tours, and other initiatives, the Foundation aims to bring the public closer to contemporary art, stimulating curiosity and dialogue.

The Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation is a lively and dynamic place where art intertwines with architecture, culture, and society. A place where the past and present meet, offering food for thought and stimuli for the future.

Contact info

Opening times

  • Sun 08 Sep closed
  • Mon 09 Sep closed
  • Tue 10 Sep closed
  • Wed 11 Sep closed
  • Thu 12 Sep closed
  • Fri 13 Sep closed
  • Sat 14 Sep 09:30 - 19:30

Despite careful control we cannot guarantee the correctness of the provided data.

Full timetables
Despite careful control we cannot guarantee the correctness of the provided data.

Spring 2024 (23/03/2024 - 01/06/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue closed
  • Wed closed
  • Thu closed
  • Fri closed
  • Sat 09:30 - 19:30
  • Sun closed

Easter 2024 (31/03/2024) closed

Easter Monday 2024 (01/04/2024) closed

Liberation Day 2024 (25/04/2024) closed

Labor Day 2024 (01/05/2024) closed

Whit Monday 2024 (20/05/2024) closed

Republic Day 2024 (02/06/2024) closed

Summer 2024 (08/06/2024 - 07/09/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue closed
  • Wed closed
  • Thu closed
  • Fri closed
  • Sat 09:30 - 19:30
  • Sun closed

Feast of the Assumption 2024 (15/08/2024) closed

Autumn 2024 (14/09/2024 - 30/11/2024)

  • Mon closed
  • Tue closed
  • Wed closed
  • Thu closed
  • Fri closed
  • Sat 09:30 - 19:30
  • Sun closed

All Saints 2024 (01/11/2024) closed


free admission

More information

Free guided tour in German and Italian language every Saturday at 11 am (1 hour). The Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation stays open every Saturday all year round - from Tuesday to Friday it is open on request: or by calling +39 0471 971626.

Special exhibition "I just don’t like eggs!" Andrea Fraser on collectors, collecting, collections." from April 13, 2024, to February 22, 2025, curated by Andrea Viliani with Vittoria Pavesi.

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