The Small Penegal (1,554 m a.s.l.) is a popular viewpoint which rises next to Mt. Penegal above Caldaro and Appiano
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The Small Penegal, almost 200 metres lower than its "big brother", Mt. Penegal, is an autonomous mountain summit in the Mendola Ridge. A summit cross rises at the top, which is visible from the valley above all on Sacred Heart Sunday, when it is illuminated at night. The vegetation is alpine, with larch meadows covering the slopes of the mountain.
The hike leads from the mountain station of the Mendola Funicular to the 1,554 m high peak of the Small Penegal (Kleiner Penegal, in German - Piccolo Penegal, in Italian) and in 15 minutes further on to Mt. Penegal. Even the lower peak offers a stunning view of the Bassa Atesina and Bolzano, towards Sciliar, Latemar and Co. in the east, as well as the Brenta Group in the southwest and the Ortles Group in the west.