RS dji Castelfeder Mitterberg
RS dji Castelfeder Mitterberg

Monte di Mezzo ridge

The Monte di Mezzo, a 14 km long wooded mountain ridge, splits the Bassa Atesina area between Bolzano and Vadena in two parts

The Monte di Mezzo (Mitterberg, in German) divides after Bolzano the Oltradige area from the Bassa Atesina, blocking the view on the Adige river from Appiano and Caldaro. The mountain ridge with its mixed forests and the partly sub-Mediterranean vegetation consists of red porphyry rock.

On its foot stretches the Spring valley, whereas on the top there are the Mt. Imperiale recreation area and the Horse Teeth rock formations, as well as the Castelchiaro and Castel Varco ruins.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Hotel Restaurant Elefant
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    Hotel Restaurant Elefant

Tips and more infos