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Monte Regolo ridge

The Monte Regolo ridge in the south-east of South Tyrol, called Regglberg in German language, is a great hiking area

The Monte Regolo ridge, whose altitude varies between 1,000 and 1,800 m a.s.l., stretches between the municipal areas of Aldino in the south of South Tyrol and Nova Ponente in the Val d'Ega valley near Bolzano. It was mentioned as "Aldeiner Berg" (Mountain of Aldino) already in 1459 AD and is overlooked by Mt. Corno Bianco, at whose feet the Bletterbach Gorge, the "Grand Canyon of South Tyrol", extends. Several mountain huts, including the Malga Buonriposo and Petersberger Leger, can be found along the trails of this beautiful hiking area.

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