RS st pauls dorfansicht von aich aus blumen
RS st pauls dorfansicht von aich aus blumen

Churches and monasteries

Every village and every locality along the South Tyrolean Wine Road features its own parish church: the name day of the respective saint is celebrated with a procession or a festival

Also the churches, the chapels and the monasteries along the Wine Road offer some superlatives and cultural peculiarities, including the highest brick steeple of South Tyrol with its impressive 86 metres of height, the presumably oldest church of Tyrol, one of the oldest fresco cycles in the entire German speaking area and the majestic “Dom auf dem Lande” (Dome in the Countryside).

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  1. RS branzoll st leonhard kirche

    Old Parish Church of Bronzolo

    The former St. Leonard Parish Church in Bronzolo houses the sandstone figure of the…
  2. RS alte grieser pfarrkirche bozen

    Old Parish Church of Gries in Bolzano

    The Church of Our Lady served as the parish church of the formerly independent…
  3. RS eppan stmichael kirche

    Old Parish Church of San Michele Appiano

    The building served as the parish church from 1921 to 1970, when San Michele became…
  4. RS bozen waltherplatz dom

    Assumption of Our Lady Cathedral

    The Cathedral near the Walther Square in Bolzano, which dates back to the 14th…
  5. RS bozen dominikanerkirche bolzano chiesa domenicani

    Dominican Church and Monastery

    The Dominican Church with its monastery is located at the Piazza Domenicani square,…
  6. RS franziskaner kloster kirche bozen

    Franciscan Church and Monastery

    Near the Franciscan Church in Bolzano, in the north of the Piazza delle Erbe…
  7. RS stmichael eppan gleif kapelle

    Calvary Church of the Holy Cross

    On the hilltop of the Calvary (555 m a.s.l.) above San Michele Appiano there is a…
  8. RS kapuzinerkirche bolzano

    Capuchin Church and Monastery

    The Capuchin Church, consecrated to St. Anthony of Padua, can look back on a long…
  9. RS terlan siebeneich klosterkirche stantonius

    St. Anthony Church in Settequerce

    The little church rises in idyllic position in Settequerce, a former property of…
  10. RS st florian bei laag neumarkt

    St. Florian Church in Laghetti

    Next to the old pilgrims’ hospice “Klösterle” is one of the oldest Christian sacred…
  11. RS st georg weggenstein kirche bozen deutschorden

    St. George in Weggenstein Church

    In the Via Weggenstein road in Bolzano there’s the Teutonic Order Church featuring…
  12. RS tramin stjakob in kastelaz

    St. James in Kastelaz Church

    The little church in Termeno, one of the stations of the “Alpine Road of Romanesque…
  13. RS kirche st johann bozen dorf chiesa san giovanni paese bolzano

    St. John's in Town Church

    The listed St. John’s in Town Church, a real gem near the Bolzano town centre, was…
  14. RS st magdalena bozen

    St. Mary Magdalene Church in Bolzano

    The little St. Mary Magdalene Church, located in idyllic position amidst vineyards,…
  15. RS soell tramin st mauritius kirche

    St. Maurice Church in Sella

    The little St. Maurice Church north of Termeno dates back to the 13th century,…
  16. RS Ueberetsch Kaltern St Nikolaus

    St. Nicholas Church in Caldaro

    The St. Nicholas Church in Caldaro, unmistakable by its two towers, has been a…
  17. RS kaltern altenburg mit kirche st vigil

    St. Vigilius Church in Castelvecchio

    A first St. Vigilius Church in Castelvecchio was already mentioned in the so-called…
  18. RS neumarkt Kirche Unsere Liebe Frau in der Vill

    St. Mary in Villa Church

    The St. Mary in Villa Church, one of the most beautiful late Gothic buildings of…
  19. RS eppan montiggl kirche

    Epiphany Church in Monticolo

    The chapel near the two Monticolo Lakes is one of the few churches of South Tyrol…
  20. RS neumarkt mazon kirche zum hlerzengel michael

    Archangel Michael Church in Mazzon

    Amidst the vineyards of Mazzon, part of the municipality of Egna, there is a small…
  21. RS andrian kirche

    Parish Church of Andriano

    The church of Andriano is dedicated to St. Valentine of Terni, which indicates a…
  22. RS auer am kirchplatz kirche marienkirche fr

    Parish Church of Ora

    The St. Mary Church in the historical village centre of Ora is officially known as…
  23. RS kirche st leonhard in unterfennberg

    Parish Church of Favogna

    The little St. Leonard Church, located near the popular Favogna Lake, is the centre…
  24. RS girlan kirche

    Parish Church of Cornaiano

    The St. Martin of Tours Church can be recognised by its steeple with the beautiful…
  25. RS kurtatsch graun kirche

    Parish Church of Corona

    The late Gothic St. George Church rises high above the village of Cortaccia, at 800…
  26. RS Ueberetsch Kaltern

    Parish Church of Caldaro

    At the Market Square in Caldaro rises the Assumption of Mary Church with its 72.5…
  27. RS kurtatsch herbst kirche

    Parish Church of Cortaccia

    A monstrance and a late Gothic chalice are the treasures inside the St. Vigilius…
  28. RS kurtinig martinsplatz mit kirche fr

    Parish Church of Cortina

    The Gothic St. Martin Church from the beginning of the 15th century was erected on…
  29. RS margreid kirche

    Parish Church of Magrè

    The baroque interior of the St. Gertrude Church, mentioned for the first time in…
  30. RS montan dorf

    Parish Church of Montagna

    The church of Montagna with its majestic Neo-Romanesque façade is consecrated to…
  31. RS nals fruehling kirche fr

    Parish Church of Nalles

    In Nalles rises the St. Ulrich of Augsburg Church, which was founded in the 12th…
  32. RS neumarkt st nikolaus kirche

    Parish Church of Egna

    The St. Nicholas Church was built on old Romanesque walls and was decorated with a…
  33. RS pfatten ortskern

    Parish Church of Vadena

    In Vadena near Bolzano, more precisely in the inner part of the castle courtyard,…
  34. RS montan pinzon herbst

    Parish Church of Pinzano

    The St. Stephen Church of Pinzano, or Stephanuskirche (in German), boasts a…
  35. RS salurn pfarrkirche chiesa salorno

    Parish Church of Salorno

    Already in 1147, a church was mentioned in Salorno - the separately standing…
  36. RS stmichael eppan pfarrkirche kapuziner

    Parish Church of San Michele Appiano

    The former church of the Capuchin monks, dedicated to the Visitation of Mary, today…
  37. RS stpauls dorfansicht von aich

    Parish Church of San Paolo Appiano

    Due to its size, the Conversion of St. Paul Church of San Paolo is known as the…
  38. RS dji Terlan Kirche

    Parish Church of Terlano

    The Assumption of Mary Church in Terlano houses the largest fresco cycle in terms…
  39. RS tramin kirche pfarrkirche turm

    Parish Church of Termeno

    The majestic St. Cyricus and Julitta Church is known for its steeple: It’s the…
  40. RS vilpian kirchen

    Parish Church of Vilpiano

    Two churches dedicated to St. Joseph stand next to each other in Vilpiano, a…
  41. RS bozen muri gries kloster

    Muri-Gries Church and Monastery

    The St. Augustine Collegiate Church is the only complete example of late-Baroque…
  42. RS Eppan Herbst Schlern Paulsner Kirchturm St Justina Kirche

    St. Justina Church in Appiano

    The little church, dedicated to St. Justina of Padua, offers a wonderful panoramic…
  43. RS st peter basilika altenburg kaltern

    St. Peter's Basilica in Castelvecchio

    It is said to be one of the oldest churches of Tyrol: Near Caldaro there’s the ruin…
  44. RS auer st peter kirche

    St. Peter Church in Ora

    The St. Peter Church houses the oldest still playable organ of South Tyrol and a…
  45. RS wanderung aldein weissenstein wallfahrtsort maria weissenstein fassade

    Madonna di Pietralba Pilgrimage Site

    Slightly apart from the Wine Road, near Monte San Pietro at 1,520 m a.s.l., there’s…

Suggested accommodations

  1. Hotel Restaurant Elefant
    Hotel Restaurant Elefant

    Hotel Restaurant Elefant

Tips and more infos