RS neumarkt mazon kirche zum hlerzengel michael
RS neumarkt mazon kirche zum hlerzengel michael

Archangel Michael Church in Mazzon

Amidst the vineyards of Mazzon, part of the municipality of Egna, there is a small church with frescos

The hills of Mazzon, an ideal winegrowing terrace above Egna, offer a stunning view on the South Tyrolean Bassa Atesina area. Probably a first chapel stood in this place already in the early Middle Ages, that's to say before 1000 AD. The present St. Michael Church was first mentioned in the 14th century: The bell tower and the beautiful frescoes on the façade depicting the Saints Anne, Catherine, Margaret, Christopher and the Archangel Michael, to whom the church is dedicated, date back to those times. The choir, a side chapel and the sacristy were added in 1692.

Particularly noteworthy are also the murals inside the Archangel Michael Church in Mazzon (Mazon). The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, the Adoration of the Kings, the Flight into Egypt, the Circumcision of Jesus and the Massacre of the Innocents can be seen on the parapet of the choir stall. The depiction of the 12 Apostles beneath followed a century later. Except for the altarpiece, the church is bare, as the furnishings were stolen in 1969. A beautiful hike leads in 50 minutes from Mazzon to Pinzano with its St. Stephen Church with the winged altar by Hans Klocker.

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