RS nals fruehling kirche fr
RS nals fruehling kirche fr

Parish Church of Nalles

In Nalles rises the St. Ulrich of Augsburg Church, which was founded in the 12th century by the Augsburg Cathedral Chapter of St. Afra

A church at this location in Nalles (Nals) was first mentioned in writing in 1309: Romanesque foundations of the southern wall of the nave and choir are still preserved today. The present church replaced a Gothic building and was consecrated in 1815. Since 1910 it has served as the Parish Church of Nalles. Its five bells form a "united major and minor motif". They date from 1961, the former bells had to be given up during World War II. A sixth bell is the old death knell, which is the only one that survived the wars.

The interior is a jewel of late baroque architecture, with a ceiling with illusion painting imitating elaborate stucco decoration. The illusion painting above the choir arch represents monumental stucco figures. The parish of Nalles also includes the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Sirmiano di Sotto from 1843 and the Church of St. Apollonia in Sirmiano di Sopra, which was built at the end of the 12th century. Two other churches no longer exist today: The Church of St. Peter southeast of Nalles was even older than the Church of St. Ulrich, the St. Vigilius Church at the eastern end of the village fell victim to the church reform of Emperor Joseph II.

Contact info

Opening times

  • Fri 28 Mar closed
  • Sat 29 Mar closed
  • Sun 30 Mar closed
  • Mon 31 Mar closed
  • Tue 01 Apr closed
  • Wed 02 Apr closed
  • Thu 03 Apr closed

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Full timetables
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General opening hours

  • Mon 08:00 - 18:00
  • Tue 08:00 - 18:00
  • Wed 08:00 - 18:00
  • Thu 08:00 - 18:00
  • Fri 08:00 - 18:00
  • Sat 08:00 - 18:00
  • Sun 08:00 - 18:00


freely accessible

More information

Church service (in German language) Saturdays at 7 pm (on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month), Sundays at 10.15 am (on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month).

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Gartenresidence Nalserhof
    Gartenresidence Nalserhof

    Gartenresidence Nalserhof

  2. Apartments Haus Winkler
    Apartments Haus Winkler
    Bed & breakfast

    Apartments Haus Winkler

Tips and more infos