RS st florian bei laag neumarkt
RS st florian bei laag neumarkt

St. Florian Church in Laghetti

Next to the old pilgrims’ hospice “Klösterle” is one of the oldest Christian sacred buildings of Tyrol, the Church of St. Florian

In Laghetti (Laag), a district of Egna, an entire hamlet is dedicated to St. Florian, patron saint of firemen, bakers, chimney sweepers, brewers, gardeners and potters. There, along the old Via Claudia Augusta road, also the little Church of St. Florian is located, said to be built around 1145. It has been documented since 1189, the time when the lower part of the nave was built. There you can still clearly see the old Romanesque building form: St. Florian is considered one of the most important Romanesque buildings of the entire South Tyrolean Bassa Atesina.

The round apse, decorated with a beautiful round-arched moulding with various sculptures such as animal and human heads, a dove and a small bottle, and the tower-like choir dates back to the second half of the 13th century. The little St. Florian Church was completely restored from 2005 to 2008 and is one of the buildings worth seeing in Laghetti. The small village has two more churches to offer: the Parish Church of the Immaculate Conception and the little Church of St. Lawrence and the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

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