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Town of Bolzano

Bolzano, the Gate to the Dolomites and Alpine Town of the Year 2009, at the meeting point between the Italian and the German culture, is located in a protected valley basin amidst hilly vineyards

The stunning main town of South Tyrol, called Bozen in German language and also the seat of the Free University and the Bolzano Fair, is situated at 250 m a.s.l. It consists of five quarters, approx. 107,000 inhabitants of the three national languages German, Italian and Ladin, the medieval town centre with its Arcades and the Cathedral, as well as many museums, parks and promenades.

As first city in Italy, in 2021 Bolzano was awarded "Climate Municipality Gold", the highest award for municipal climate protection recognised throughout Europe.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Hotel Restaurant Elefant
    Hotel Restaurant Elefant

    Hotel Restaurant Elefant

Tips and more infos