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RS schlossmaretsch bozen castelmareccio

Castles in Bolzano

In the valley basin of Bolzano and on the surrounding hills there are several impressive castles

In earlier centuries, many nobles and counts changed residence to Bolzano, demonstrating their wealth and power by mighty castles with stunning rooms richly decorated with frescos. The castles and manors of Bolzano extend from the town centre to the entrance of the Val Sarentino valley and towards south, to the quarter of Aslago, where Castel Flavon towers high above the town. It offers a stylish ambience for celebrations and weddings today.

Other castles, however, can be visited: These include Castel Roncolo, the 'Painted Castle', featuring one of the largest preserved profane fresco cycles of the Middle Ages, as well as Castel Mareccio near the Talvera Meadows which can be visited if no events such as the famous 'Bolzano Wine Tasting' take place within its walls. In this part of the town there are also St. Anthony Castle and Castel Rafenstein, both not accessible to the public.

Slightly outside the urban area, in the neighbouring village of Frangarto near Appiano and visible from the south of Bolzano, rises the majestic castle complex of Firmiano. It looks back on a long and eventful history and was carefully restored at the beginning of the 21st century in order to house the Messner Mountain Museum Firmian.

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