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Carnival Thursday “Pansele Pansele” in Terlano

‘Pansele Pansele’ - that’s the slogan in Terlano on Shrove Thursday, when one of the biggest Carnival parades of the region takes place

Thousands of visitors reunite every year in Terlano (Terlan) on Shrove Thursday, when the traditional Carnival parade with 20 parade floats starts at the parking space of the Apples' House and moves through the village centre. The event, founded in 1971, is organised today by the local Carnival committee 'Terlaner Unsinniger'. The traditional 'Schnappviecher' take part as well as funky self-made costumes and a few curiosities. After the loud and colourful hustle and bustle that makes the wine village famous far and wide during the carnival period, the 'Pansele Pansele Feier' celebration follows with music and food in the Raiffeisen building.

Also Vilpiano and Settequerce - both component localities of Terlano - and the municipality of Andriano on the other side of the valley join in. At the end of the parade, a jury evaluates the parade floats and the participants and awards the winners. Some days later, on Shrove Tuesday, the responsible councillors return the key of the town hall and therefore the reign to the mayor again. So they resign until the following year when it's once again time for 'Pansele Pansele'.

By the way: Every year, the famous event attracted more and more visitors, so that the access was limited in 2019. Who wants to party in Terlano, needs a ticket. It is forbidden to bring alcohol. In the last years, also the environment is taken into account with paper cups and similar things.

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