The production of the popular pomace brandy has a long tradition in the south of South Tyrol
Grappa is a clear, high-proof brandy with an intense flavour reminiscent of the fruit from which it's crafted. This pomace brandy originates from Italy or Italian-speaking Switzerland.
It is made from pomace, the solid remains of wine and juice production. Pressed grape, fruit, and berry pomace forms the base of this alcoholic beverage. Along the South Tyrolean Wine Road, grape, apple, pear, or plum pomace is primarily used, resulting in flavourful and popular spirits.
To be sold as Grappa, the brandy must contain at least 37.5% alcohol by volume. Many distilleries along the Wine Road offer guided tours and present themselves to the public every year on the ‘Day of the Distilleries’ (Tag der Brennereien). By the way, a good Grappa after a meal is an excellent digestif!