Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Mainly cloudy
Wind (km/h): 7 NNE
Humidity: 85%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Mainly cloudy or overcast
Wind (km/h): 9 NE
Humidity: 96%
Snow limit: N/A
Ancient alleys, manors and farmhouses…
Aromatic wines in the sunny south,…
Egna on the South Tyrolean Wine Road features a…
In between vines and fruit orchards,…
The villages of the municipality of Montagna,…
Ora is characterised by its historical centre and…
At the border to the Trentino region, there is…
Caldaro, the wine village, locates at an…
Centrally located, Bronzolo is the perfect…
The small village of Vadena is located at the…
Appiano, the largest wine-growing area all…
Andriano is a quaint little village located…
Near the capital of South Tyrol, the Wine Road…
Terlano, the “village of…
Some 15 km from the spa town of Merano nestles…